Name Required Items Rewards
Weapons of the Born Warrior
Weapons of the Seasoned Warrior
Memory from Training Days
Ascetic's Composure, Wolf's Bloodthirst
Monsters in Wolf's Clothing
Unfading Firmness
Future Memorabilia
Crafted from Transparent Strong Thread
Harmony of Disharmony
Light and Sturdy Equipment
Light or Tough
Unforgettable Swords of the Training Knight
Memorable Staves of the Apprentice Wizard
Arrows of the Beginning Archer
Mysterious Wands and Tomes
Sharp Daggers for Novices
Crossbows for Novices
High-Quality Spider Silk
Tightly Knotted
Soft and Smooth
Cling! Clang! Clear Metal Sound
Weighty Armament of the Trainee
Magithread Spun from Spiders
The Gift of the Brave Wolf
By the Monk For the Monk
Rune Leather Left by Demonic Beast
Wizard's Essentials
Hard Hands, Hard Feet—BAM!
Lightweight, But Durable Magithread Pants
Lightweight, But Reliable Manasteel Gaiters
A Spring in Your Step
A Match Made in Heaven
Heavy Hitting, Hard Defense
Accurate Firing, Agile Evasion
Destructive Magic, Abundant Healing
Strange Concoction is Fine Too
Favor from Senior Guard
In the Lively Old Days
Till They're Worn Out
Symphony of Spider Webs
Impenetrable Mystery
Senior Trainees' Essentials
Resistance Guard's Full Load
Dignity within Overflowing Mana
Keen Swashbuckler's Essentials
Marksman's Arsenal
Bigger, Better Greatswords