Name Grade Type
Whisperion Fishing Rod Epic Fishing Rod
Gold Fishing Rod Epic Fishing Rod
Deluzhnoa Fishing Rod Epic Fishing Rod
Skillful Shock Bracelet Epic Bracelet
Skillful Corrupted Bracelet Epic Bracelet
Skillful Oppress Bracelet Epic Bracelet
Skillful Charging Bracelet Epic Bracelet
Skillful Silence Bracelet Epic Bracelet
Cursed Immortal: 1 Epic Talistone 1
Cursed Immortal: 2 Epic Talistone 2
Cursed Immortal: 3 Epic Talistone 3
Cursed Immortal: 4 Epic Talistone 4
Cursed Immortal: Sunstone Epic Gemstone 1
Cursed Immortal: Moonstone Epic Gemstone 2
Chaotic Weapon of Murder: 1 Epic Talistone 1
Chaotic Weapon of Murder: 2 Epic Talistone 2
Chaotic Weapon of Murder: 3 Epic Talistone 3
Chaotic Weapon of Murder: 4 Epic Talistone 4
Chaotic Weapon of Murder: Sunstone Epic Gemstone 1
Chaotic Weapon of Murder: Moonstone Epic Gemstone 2
Hateful Demonic Beast: 1 Epic Talistone 1
Hateful Demonic Beast: 2 Epic Talistone 2
Hateful Demonic Beast: 3 Epic Talistone 3
Hateful Demonic Beast: 4 Epic Talistone 4
Hateful Demonic Beast: Sunstone Epic Gemstone 1
Hateful Demonic Beast: Moonstone Epic Gemstone 2
Guardian of the Wilds: 1 Epic Talistone 1
Guardian of the Wilds: 2 Epic Talistone 2
Guardian of the Wilds: 3 Epic Talistone 3
Guardian of the Wilds: 4 Epic Talistone 4
Guardian of the Wilds: Sunstone Epic Gemstone 1
Guardian of the Wilds: Moonstone Epic Gemstone 2
Server Transfer Ticket Epic Server Transfer Ticket
Server Transfer Ticket Epic Server Transfer Ticket
Server Transfer Ticket (1 Day) Epic Server Transfer Ticket
Server Transfer Ticket (7 Day) Epic Server Transfer Ticket
Rename Scroll Epic Rename Scroll
Rename Scroll Epic Rename Scroll
Instant Resurrect 1-Star Epic Miscellaneous
Instant Resurrect 2-Star Epic Miscellaneous
Queen Bellandir's Carapace Epic Special Material
Tevent's Frame Epic Special Material
Queen Bellandir's Abyss Epic Special Material
Tevent's Abyss Epic Special Material
Tevent's Soul Fragment Epic Special Material
Queen Bellandir's Core Epic Special Material
Tevent's Soul Epic Special Material
Queen Bellandir's Carapace Fragment Epic Special Material
Queen Bellandir's Soul Fragment Epic Special Material
Snow Flower Epic Special Material