Name Grade Type
Ant Wings Rare Cooking Ingredient
Saffron Rare Cooking Ingredient
#미사용 Rare Cooking Ingredient
Wine Rare Cooking Ingredient
Golden Apple Rare Cooking Ingredient
Oregano Rare Cooking Ingredient
Winter Truffle Rare Cooking Ingredient
Fruice Rare Cooking Ingredient
Herba Rare Cooking Ingredient
Rare Natural Essence Rare Cooking Ingredient
Blacktail Snook Rare Fish
Barracuda Rare Fish
Ballan Wrasse Rare Fish
Imp Catalupa Rare Fish
Pajama Cardinalfish Rare Fish
Fonsiné Barracuda Rare Fish
Skipjack Tuna Rare Fish
Lanquis Carp Rare Fish
Mahi Mahi Rare Fish
Peacock Bass Rare Fish
Red Salmon Rare Fish
Blacktip Shark Rare Fish
Rare Extraction Flame Rare Miscellaneous
Rare Improvement Book: Sword Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Improvement Book: Greatsword Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Improvement Book: Longbow Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Improvement Book: Crossbow Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Improvement Book: Dagger Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Improvement Book: Staff Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Improvement Book: Wand Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Training Book: Sword Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Training Book: Greatsword Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Training Book: Longbow Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Training Book: Crossbow Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Training Book: Dagger Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Training Book: Staff Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Training Book: Wand Rare Skill Growth Book
Rare Strength Crystal Rare Special Material
Rare Dexterity Crystal Rare Special Material
Rare Wisdom Crystal Rare Special Material
Rare Perception Crystal Rare Special Material
Insignia of the Terrific Trio's Conviction Rare Special Material
Sylaveth Dark Core Rare Special Material
Terrific Trio's Spirit Badge Rare Special Material
Living Armor Soul Core Rare Special Material
Lycan Claw Rare Gem
Rare Golden Rye Rare Cooking Ingredient
Rare Dried Root Rare Cooking Ingredient
Fresh Ingredients Rare Cooking Ingredient
Rice Cake Dough Can be crafted Rare Special Material