Name Title Level
Chaos Archwizard 50
Scorpos Tower Crystal Scorpion 50
Scorpos Fake1 50
Scorpos Fake2 50
Scorpos Tutorial 50
Roaring Avolos Umbramancer 50
Oblivion Skeleton Commander 50
Revenger Skeleton Commander 50
Dren Stealer of Light 50
Kaligras Scream Collector 50
Rex Chimaerus Beast of Annihilation 50
Karnix Herald of Doom 50
Lequirus Lord of the Bloody Kingdom 50
Toublek Ruler of the Solitary Island 50
Toublek Husk Ruler of the Solitary Island 50
Toublek Husk Ruler of the Solitary Island 50
Kertaki Ruthless Island Tyrant 50
Kertaki Ruthless Island Tyrant 50
Gaitan Red Goblin King 50
Shaikal Dark Elemental 50
Shakarux Death Elemental 50
Duke Magna Test Subject of Destruction 50
Turka Furious Test Subject 50
Berge Nightmare Herald 48
Malakar Eye of Desires 48
Malakar [Guild Raid] Eye of Desires 48
Malakar Eye of Desires 48
Arthur Talon Talon Guild Leader 47
Zarek 47
Dancing Giant Butcher 47
Talus Eternal Guardian 46
Talus [Guild Raid] Eternal Guardian 46
Talus Eternal Guardian 46
Chernobog Vengeful Demonic Beast 44
Chernobog [Guild Raid] Vengeful Demonic Beast 44
Chernobog Vengeful Demonic Beast 44
Giant Ant Commander 43
Excavator-9 Lost Test Subject 42
Excavator-9 Lost Test Subject 42
Excavator-9 [Guild Raid] Lost Test Subject 42
Morokai Failed Immortal 40
Morokai Failed Immortal 40
Morokai [Guild Raid] Failed Immortal 40
Elleia 40
Risieth Demon of Deceit 40
Havres Demon of Knowledge 40
Lacune Queen of the Underground 40
Bound Shadowmancer 39
Despair Dark Enforcer 39
Mad Red Pyromancer 35