Name Materials Output
Precious Pure Gold
Rare Pure Gold
Quality Pure Gold
Precious Weapon Growthstone
Precious Weapon Growthstone
Rare Weapon Growthstone
Rare Weapon Growthstone
Quality Weapon Growthstone
Precious Armor Growthstone
Precious Armor Growthstone
Rare Armor Growthstone
Rare Armor Growthstone
Quality Armor Growthstone
Precious Accessory Growthstone
Precious Accessory Growthstone
Rare Accessory Growthstone
Rare Accessory Growthstone
Quality Accessory Growthstone
Precious Magic Powder
Precious Magic Powder
Precious Magic Powder
Rare Magic Powder
Rare Magic Powder
Rare Magic Powder
Quality Magic Powder
Quality Magic Powder
Quality Magic Powder
Precious Polished Crystal
Precious Polished Crystal
Precious Polished Crystal
Rare Polished Crystal
Rare Polished Crystal
Rare Polished Crystal
Precious Lithograph: Paramount Greaves of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Heroic Greaves of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Ossuary Trousers of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Scaled Trousers of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Heroic Breeches of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Heroic Trousers of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Hallowed Pants of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Heroic Pants of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Paramount Visor of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Heroic Helmet of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Scaled Tricorne of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Ossuary Hood of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Heroic Tricorne of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Heroic Hood of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Hallowed Hat of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Heroic Hat of the Resistance
Precious Lithograph: Paramount Gauntlets of the Resistance