Name Grade Type
Support Growth Prize Lv. 5: Lift the Moonlight Spell Rare Chance-based Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 6: Lift the Moonlight Spell Rare Chance-based Chest
Encouragement Growth Prize Lv. 7: Lift the Moonlight Spell Rare Chance-based Chest
Brilliant Victory Growth Prize: Lantern Seed Festival Rare Chance-based Chest
Special Gold Growth Prize: Lantern Seed Festival Rare Chance-based Chest
Special Silver Growth Prize: Lantern Seed Festival Rare Chance-based Chest
Shining Luck Growth Prize: Lantern Seed Festival Rare Chance-based Chest
Exclusive Growth Reward 4th Place: Leon's Prize Rare Chance-based Chest
Exclusive Growth Reward 5th Place: Leon's Prize Rare Chance-based Chest
Participation Award: Leon's Prize Rare Chance-based Chest
Sincerity Award: Leon's Prize Rare Chance-based Chest
Diligence Award: Leon's Prize Rare Chance-based Chest
Exclusive Growth Reward Round: Leon's Prize Rare Chance-based Chest
Luck Growth Prize: Leon's Prize Rare Chance-based Chest
Special Gold Growth Prize: Requiem of Light Rare Chance-based Chest
Special Silver Growth Prize: Requiem of Light Rare Chance-based Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 1: Requiem of Light Rare Chance-based Chest
Encouragement Growth Prize Lv. 7: Requiem of Light Rare Chance-based Chest
Shining Luck Growth Prize: Requiem of Light Rare Chance-based Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 1: Talisman Delivery Operation Rare Chance-based Chest
Guild Fortune Skill Growth Solution Chest: Lv. 1 Rare Chance-based Chest
Guild Fortune Skill Growth Solution Chest: Lv. 2 Rare Chance-based Chest
Rare Attack Remedy Can be crafted Rare Remedy
Rare Defense Remedy Can be crafted Rare Remedy
Knife Throwing Rare Skills
Multi-Shot Rare Skills
Brutal Arrow Rare Skills
Corrupted Magic Circle Rare Skills
Rare Base Material Selection Chest Rare Selection Chest
Rare Base Material Chance Chest Rare Chance-based Chest
Rare Skill Growth Book Chest Rare Chance-based Chest
Rare Skill Growth Book Chest Rare Chance-based Chest
Rare Passive Skill Growth Book Selection Chest Rare Selection Chest
Rare Active Skill Growth Book Selection Chest Rare Selection Chest
Rare Special Material Chance Chest Rare Chance-based Chest
Rare Special Material Selection Chest Rare Selection Chest
Smile Cookie Rare Food
Rare Remedy Selection Chest Rare Selection Chest
Rare Cooking Ingredient Selection Basket Rare Selection Chest
Rare Cooking Ingredient Chance Chest Rare Chance-based Chest
Brilliant Victory Prize: [Peace] Wolf Hunting Contest Rare Guaranteed Chest
Brilliant Victory Prize: [Peace] Starlight Stones Ritual Rare Guaranteed Chest
Brilliant Victory Prize: [Peace] Lantern Seed Festival Rare Guaranteed Chest
Special Gold Prize: [Peace] Lantern Seed Festival Rare Guaranteed Chest
Special Silver Prize: [Peace] Lantern Seed Festival Rare Guaranteed Chest
Shining Luck Prize: [Peace] Lantern Seed Festival Rare Guaranteed Chest
Special Gold Prize: [Peace] Hidden Brown Mica Rare Guaranteed Chest
Special Silver Prize: [Peace] Hidden Brown Mica Rare Guaranteed Chest
Shining Luck Prize: [Peace] Hidden Brown Mica Rare Guaranteed Chest
Special Gold Prize: [Peace] Desert Caravan Rare Guaranteed Chest