Name Grade Type
Allied Resistance Forces Contract Scroll I: Canina Village Can be crafted Uncommon Contract Scroll
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 1: Wolf Hunting Contest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 2: Wolf Hunting Contest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 3: Wolf Hunting Contest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 4: Wolf Hunting Contest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 5: Wolf Hunting Contest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 6: Wolf Hunting Contest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Encouragement Growth Prize Lv. 7: Wolf Hunting Contest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 1: Starlight Stones Ritual Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 1: Lantern Seed Festival Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 2: Lantern Seed Festival Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 3: Lantern Seed Festival Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 4: Lantern Seed Festival Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 5: Lantern Seed Festival Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 6: Lantern Seed Festival Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Encouragement Growth Prize Lv. 7: Lantern Seed Festival Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 2: Requiem of Light Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Strength Growth Prize Lv. 3: Requiem of Light Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 4: Requiem of Light Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 5: Requiem of Light Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Support Growth Prize Lv. 6: Requiem of Light Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Quality Attack Remedy Uncommon Remedy
Quality Defense Remedy Uncommon Remedy
Strategic Rush Uncommon Skills
Frost Smokescreen Uncommon Skills
Quality Base Material Selection Chest Uncommon Selection Chest
Quality Base Material Chance Chest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Quality Passive Skill Growth Book Selection Chest Uncommon Selection Chest
Quality Active Skill Growth Book Selection Chest Uncommon Selection Chest
Quality Special Material Chance Chest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Quality Special Material Selection Chest Uncommon Selection Chest
Quality Weapon Craft Bundle Uncommon Guaranteed Chest
Quality Armor Craft Bundle Uncommon Guaranteed Chest
Quality Accessory Craft Bundle Uncommon Guaranteed Chest
Quality Weapon Craft Bundle Uncommon Guaranteed Chest
Quality Armor Craft Bundle Uncommon Guaranteed Chest
Quality Accessory Craft Bundle Uncommon Guaranteed Chest
Pioneer's Support Chest Uncommon Guaranteed Chest
Adventure Support Chest Uncommon Guaranteed Chest
[Guild] Quality Base Material Chest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Quality Food Chest Uncommon Chance Issue Chest
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights
Resistance Contract Extra Count Pass Uncommon Contract Rights