Name Title Level
Orc Butcher Akidu Clan 55
Orc Fighter Akidu Clan 55
Orc Elder Shaman Akidu Clan 55
Orc Shadowmancer Akidu Clan 55
Orc Spearmaster Akidu Clan 55
Orc Spearmaster Akidu Clan 55
Orc Executioner Akidu Clan 55
Gray Crystal Scorpion 55
Sand Scorpion 55
Gray Wolf 55
Lazarus Ghost Crimson's Heir 55
Rudgurt Resistance Defense Training Instructor 55
Infiltration Unit Commander Arkeum Legion 55
Infiltration Unit Foot Soldier Arkeum Legion 55
Infiltration Unit Wizard Arkeum Legion 55
Infiltration Unit Foot Soldier Arkeum Legion 55
Hela Arkeum Illusionist 55
Bat Hela's Familiar 55
Rafadriel 55
Mutant Sharpshooter Crimson's Minion 55
Mutant Exterminator Crimson's Minion 55
Mutant Slaughterer Crimson's Minion 55
Mutant Venomancer Crimson's Minion 55
Immediate Commander Spineflower Royal Guards 55
Elite Archer Spineflower Royal Guards 55
Elite Scout Spineflower Royal Guards 55
Elite Guard Spineflower Royal Guards 55
Common Archer Spineflower Royal Guards 55
Guard Spineflower Royal Guards 55
Two-Headed Specter Hela's Summoned Spirit 55
Wraith Curse Caster Crimson's Minion 55
Wraith Guard Dog Crimson's Minion 55
Wraith Knight Crimson's Minion 55
Flame Wraith Crimson's Minion 55
Guardian Spirit of Intelligence Temple of Truth 55
Evil Eye 55
Imp Lancer 55
Elite Guard Stone Golem 55
Transport Stone Golem 55
Security Stone Golem 55
Imprinting Stone Golem 55
Infiltration Unit Captain Arkeum Legion 55
Infiltration Unit Archer Arkeum Legion 55
Infiltration Unit Commander Arkeum Legion 55
Infiltration Unit Foot Soldier Arkeum Legion 55
Infiltration Unit Wizard Arkeum Legion 55
Infiltration Unit Wizard Arkeum Legion 55
Ambush Commander Arkeum Ambush Catcher Squad 55
Magic Commander Arkeum Magic Catcher Squad 55
Heavy Armor Commander Arkeum Heavy Armor Catcher Squad 55